Monday, October 28, 2013

Sagging Pants

 Pass this on to Our Youth, Our Parents, Our Black Men and Women

Letter from a college student
The other day, a friend of mine visited me in the lobby of my dorm just to chat while her laundry was drying. As we were chatting, two young freshmen came by. One of the boys wanted to 'talk' to my friend (as in date). She asked him how old they were, and both of the boys replied 18. My frie...nd and I both laughed hysterically because we are both 22 years old. After my friend left, the young men were still hanging around and one wanted to know how he could gain her interest.

The first thing I told him to do was to pull up his pants! He asked why, and then said he liked saggin' his pants. I told him to come over to my computer and spell the word saggin'. Then I told him to write the word saggin' backwards.

N-I-G- G-A-S

I told him the origin of that look was from centuries ago. It was the intent of slave owners to demoralize the field workers by forbidding them to wear a belt as they worked in the fields or at any other rigorous job. In addition, men in prison wore their pants low when they were 'spoken for'. The other reason their pants looked like that was they were not allowed to have belts because prisoners were likely to try to commit suicide. And, saggin' pants prevents you from running.

We as young Black people have to be the ones to effect change. We are dying. The media has made a mockery of the Black American. Even our brothers and sisters from Africa don't take us seriously. Something as simple as pulling up your pants and standing with your head held high could make the biggest difference in the world's perception of us. It is time to do right by ourselves. We need to love and embrace each other. No one is going to do that for us.

It all comes down to perception. What people perceive is what reality to them is. We have to change not only the media's perception of us, but we need to change our perception of ourselves.

Remember all eyes are on you Black Man. All eyes are on you Black Woman. All eyes are on your Black Child. People point the finger at us and expect us to engage in negative and illegal activities, to manifest loud, boisterous behavior, to spend our hard earned money in their stores, buying goods we don't need, or really want. We have allowed not only the media, but the government and the world to portray us as a 'sub-culture.' They have stripped our culture down to the point where the image of Black people is perpetuated as rappers, athletes, drug users, and consumers of junk food, expensive tennis shoes, expensive cars, expensive TVs, cell phones and not investing in homes for our families.

We are so much more!!!!!!!

Laws Regarding Sex

Good morning soldiers, here are some interesting facts that I found in my reading about sex and the law, I did not make this up I am just a messenger so don't get offended;

Muslims are banned from looking at the genitals of a corpse. This also applies to undertakers; the sex organs of the deceased must be covered with a brick or piece of wood at all times.

The penalty for masturbation in Indon...esia is decapitation.

There are men in Guam whose full-time job is to travel the countryside and deflower young virgins, who pay them for the privilege of having sex for the first time. Reason: under Guam law, it is expressly forbidden for virgins to marry.

In Hong Kong, a betrayed wife is legally allowed to kill her adulterous husband, but may only do so with her bare hands. (The husband's lover, on the other hand, may be killed in any manner desired.)

Topless saleswomen are legal in Liverpool, England - but only in tropical fish stores.

In Cali, Colombia, a woman may only have sex with her husband, and the first time this happens her mother must be in the room to witness the act.

In Santa Cruz, Bolivia it is illegal for a man to have sex with a woman and her daughter at the same time.

In Maryland, it is illegal to sell condoms from vending machines with one exception: prophylactics may be dispensed from a vending machine only "in places where alcoholic beverages are sold for on the premises."

Have a great day

Saturday, October 26, 2013

I just completed my first 2 classes of my PhD program with an A and a B, next class is Statistics ugh I hate math because I am not good at it. The only thing that I can count well is my money and I don't have any of that so I hope I can pass with at least a C, I know I can make up for it in the other classes. So I am going to have to reflect back on the words of Steve Maraboli who said "We all mak...e mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past. But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here now with the power to shape your day and your future." I am going to do a lot of studying, praying, guessing, and writing and with Gods grace I will make it through. Pray for me my friends and have a wonderful day each and every one of you.

The Second Death

I watched a movie called Stand Up Guy's staring Al Pacino, where he gives an eulogy for his friend and says "we all die two times in life. Once when we stop breathing and the second time is when no one ever says your name again." Well to my friends that have meant so much to me and have gone on to glory (teary eyed) Mr.Ralph Lockhart, Mr.Cornelius Robinson, Mr.David Monds, Aunt Lee Elliot, Mr. Ell...iot Adams (Slain), Mr. Albert Kirby (A. J.), Rev.Corley Robinson, Cousin Emma Adams, Aunt Julia Adams, Uncle Odell Mayes, Aunt Josephine Mayes, Ms. Joanne Mayes, (sigh) Rev. Samuel White, Mr. Macon Williams, Mr. Gene Hart, Grandpa Jim Hart, Mr. Garland Creighton, Mr. Ronald Sledge, Ms. Margret Coleman, Ms. Hattie Clayborne, Mrs. Dorothy Atkins, and Mrs. Ellen Camhi. In my life these people still live in my thoughts, ideas, lifestyle, decisions, successes and failures therefore through me and many others they still live, they live in my spirit, my soul, and my mind. I will do my part to ensure that they live as long as I do therefore their second death is a long time coming to God be the glory. May they all rest in heaven.

Message to our Youth

Saggin Pants

Pass this on to Our Youth, Our Parents, Our Black Men and Women

Letter from a college student

The other day, a friend of mine visited me in the lobby of my dorm just to chat while her laundry was drying. As we were chatting, two young freshmen came by. One of the boys wanted to 'talk' to my friend (as in date). She asked him how old they were, and both of the boys replied 18. My friend and I both laughed hysterically because we are both 22 years old. After my friend left, the young men were still hanging around and one wanted to know how he could gain her interest.

The first thing I told him to do was to pull up his pants! He asked why, and then said he liked saggin' his pants. I told him to come over to my computer and spell the word saggin'. Then I told him to write the word saggin' backwards.


N-I-G- G-A-S

I told him the origin of that look was from centuries ago. It was the intent of slave owners to demoralize the field workers by forbidding them to wear a belt as they worked in the fields or at any other rigorous job. In addition, men in prison wore their pants low when they were 'spoken for'. The other reason their pants looked like that was they were not allowed to have belts because prisoners were likely to try to commit suicide. And, saggin' pants prevents you from running.

We as young Black people have to be the ones to effect change. We are dying. The media has made a mockery of the Black American. Even our brothers and sisters from Africa don't take us seriously. Something as simple as pulling up your pants and standing with your head held high could make the biggest difference in the world's perception of us. It is time to do right by ourselves. We need to love and embrace each other. No one is going to do that for us.

It all comes down to perception. What people perceive is what reality to them is. We have to change not only the media's perception of us, but we need to change our perception of ourselves.

Remember all eyes are on you Black Man. All eyes are on you Black Woman. All eyes are on your Black Child. People point the finger at us and expect us to engage in negative and illegal activities, to manifest loud, boisterous behavior, to spend our hard earned money in their stores, buying goods we don't need, or really want. We have allowed not only the media, but the government and the world to portray us as a 'sub-culture.' They have stripped our culture down to the point where the image of Black people is perpetuated as rappers, athletes, drug users, and consumers of junk food, expensive tennis shoes, expensive cars, expensive TVs, cell phones and not investing in homes for our families.

We are so much more!!!!!!!

Mr. Jay H Walder                                                                           
MTA Chairman, CEO                                                                               
347 Madison Ave                                                                            
New York New York                                                                   
 November 10, 2010
Mr. Walder,
     My name is John Anderson and I work in New Haven Connecticut as an Energy Auditor and Inspector. Last month I had car problems and I had to take the 4:24pm train home form New Haven to Bridgeport. I am writing this letter because one of your employees a conductor Mr. Thomas Yuen #110826 made an impression on me that I thought I would share with you. I have traveled using public transportation many times over my 50 years on this earth but when I traveled on the 4:24 last month I never felt more welcomed, or appreciated as a passenger than my time on that train for the entire week. While I only had maybe 30 to 45 seconds in the presence of this conductor his greeting , and the fact that he thanked me for riding Metro North and wished me a nice day before I departed was a breath of fresh air especially because the train was full and he busy carrying out the rest of his duties. The amazing thing is that he managed make me think that I was the only passenger on the train so much that I am impelled to write this letter to commend him for his customer service and public relations skills. As I watched him perform his duties, the stylish way of collecting tickets, greeting people and giving change was very impressive and I am sure that others felt the same way as I did.
     Many of us in our busy lives we just do not take the time to notice, or praise people when they seem like they are performing beyond their call of duty. I just though that I would be your eyes out here in the field and report back to you that Mr. Thomas Yuen is out there representing your company well. He has left an impression upon me that will last a lifetime, and to be quite honest I do not know if there is another conductor in the United States that can impress me more than he did that week. Could you please tell him for me to keep up the good work.
Respectfully Submitted,
John Anderson