Sunday, September 20, 2009

Abuse of Power

Tell me something are we not all humans? I ask this question because I have recently had a run in with local law officials in my state which is Connecticut. From the moment I had contact with them I was presumed guilty. Yes I was driving without a seat belt but what came next is down right appalling. The officers checked my ID and returned to inform me that there was a warrant for me in a nearby town. To make a long story short this police department had been looking for an associate of mine for over four years unsuccessfully. Well someone at the Shelton Police Department can up with the bright idea of arresting the friends and associates of the fugitive in an attempt to squeeze information about the whereabouts of this individual. Low and behold I became a victim of what I call an abuse of authority. I was detained without clean water and a phone call. They charged me with conspiracy and placed a $25,000 bond. My only crime was that I knew this guy and I communicated with him pretty regularly. The detective out right said "We have no problem with you but we are interested in you friend and if you tell us where he is them all this will go away." my immediate reaction was I know you are not interested in me cause I committed no crime. Anyway I was arraigned and my bond was reduced to $1500. Now as a result my job is in jeopardy, car towed and I will have lawyer expenses all because of what I will call a gross abuse of power. First of all I was not aware of any criminal activity of this person, secondly I didn't know his whereabouts, and If I did I would not have told them anyway. We are all humans and should be treated as such. In my opinion they could have come to me as adults and to seek my assistance there is a good chance that I could have approached my friend to discuss ways of working this out like turning himself in and going through the customary process. That would have been a win win situation for all involved. Now my life is in torment because a few over zealous detectives either don't know how to do their job or just don't give a damn about destroying innocent peoples live as an end to their means. This country is going to hell in a hand basket, and something needs to be done about it. Not all police lead by bad example but my experience say's Don't Trust None of Them Bastards.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Ashley and J J Daddy loves you.

Something to Think About

My daughter Ashley sent this to me last week she said she found it on the internet the author is not known.

"Everyone says love hurts, but that isn't true. Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. Envy hurts. Everyone gets these things confused with love, but in reality love is the only thing in this world that covers up all pain and makes someone feel wonderful again. Love is the only thing in this world that does not hurt."

What do you Think ?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy Birhday Nellie

As you celebrate one more year making this your 87th birthday, I take my hat of to you and, thank God for being so kind and giving me the privilege of knowing you the way that I do. When I first met you, I knew that there was something special about you. I watched you support your husband in everything that he did all the way up to and even after his death. I saw you as a strong black women sitting on top of Richmond Hill Avenue supporting your community, advising both adults and youth on how to be good citizens, advocating education and a good work ethic. As an Eastern Star, you are a leader of women and always had a level head. You maintained your dignity, respect and character whether you were wearing the hat of a member or as The Worthy Matron. You always did what was right and I respect you and love you for that. You have received many awards and citations for the work you have done in Stamford and the State of Connecticut while at the same time you have affected hundreds of lives behind the scenes and seek nothing in return.
You saw something in Ina and me and adopted us as your children. When times got rough for me you were there with kind words of encouragement, advice, prayers and even money I am grateful to you for everything. Because of you I have moved on to continue my education at the University of Phoenix and when I graduate in January It will be because of your words of reason and your mild but stern encouragement. You are my guardian angel, full of knowledge and wisdom with a keen ability to take nothing for granted. You claim to have a stick somewhere around the house that you will use on me, or anyone you love that fails to meet their unique capabilities due to laziness, lack of motivation or down right stupidity. Your faith in God and strong Christian beliefs has afforded you the ability to be nonjudgmental and find the good in everyone. You Nellie Lockhart are a great women and I love you.
To this day at the age of 87 you still somehow manage to continue touch the lives of people around you. What the black community of Stamford lost in your moving the good people of Center Cross have gained a leader, a good neighbor, and an honest friend. You never cease to amaze me with your ability to know what is going on in Stamford and for that matter in Connecticut before most of us who actual live here in Connecticut know. We can call you in Virginia and get the scoop on the pressing issues that occur in Connecticut, which speaks wonders for your network of friends, communication and devotion you have for the relationships you have developed over the years.
Mrs. Lockhart, Sister Lockhart, Nellie, and Mom you have been all these labels at one time or another for me. I have called you Mrs. Lockhart as the wife of my best friend Ralph, Sister Lockhart because you are my Masonic sister, Nellie because you are my friend, and, Mom because you have accepted me and treated me as if I am your son. Happy Birthday, I Love You.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Have you bought gas lately?

Just when we thought the price of gas was leveling out it gradually rose to $2.69 a gallon. The prices rose slowly, quietly, and in the middle of the night. It's funny how you go to bed, wake up and the price is higher ( almost makes you not want to go to bed) out of fear of the inevetable. The public has quietly approved of these measures, many saying "thank God it's not $4.00. like it was only a few months ago. I am sick of the our short memories, the consumer always gets the short end of the stick. The price of gas, utilities, and taxes are going bankrupt every household in America. There has to be a solution to this problem. Our government has abused it's power and is destroying the working class family where it counts in the pocket. If you really look at it between sales tax, property tax, excise taxes, state tax, federal tax, and death tax we are lucky if we keep .42% of each dollar. We have none to blame but ourselves, because we keep re-electing the same tired ass politicians who once they are elected they reach right into our pockets. Don't continue to be ripped off, deceived and lied too. Obama was elected on the idea of change, well we can invoke the same idea. I say from now on If we vote for a candidate and they don't protect our pockets when elected then next election we vote them out. We the people are in control for the two and three term politician. The system is broken let's fix it. Yes We Can!

Monday, May 25, 2009

A Basic Way to Live Our Lives

Today, while in the office of the church I attend I came across a index card sized paper on the floor I started to just pick it up and throw it in the trash. My curiosity got the best of me so I turned the index card sized paper over and read it. There was no author cited on the card and I read it. The words on the card struck a me as interesting, thoughtful and meaningful to not only me but maybe you can get something out of it to.

"I vow, today, to make sure that my behavior, actions and my language reflect the beauty within me and reflect my commitment to the health of myself and my community."

This statement says a lot for humanity, let's try govern ourselves accordingly, It's never to late.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Protect America First

America is the greatest country in the world. The morality of this country is slowly decaying because of we as Americans are too apathetic. We live in a country where animals, children and even terrorist have more rights than people, parents, and our soldiers. I have nothing against animals I have had three German Shepherds throughout my lifetime. But animals are not people and they should be treated as such. Children are children and they should look to adults for leadership and guidance. Children are our future and if we continue to bow down and placate the our youth this country will loose its status as the greatest country in the world. It has gotten so bad that even terrorist have more rights than our own soldiers.

I feel for the families of our soldiers who have put their life on the line, and especially for those who have lost sons and daughters in the line of duty. What really raises my blood pressure is this water boarding and torture issue. Who speaks up for our soldiers who have been tortured, maimed and killed from the torturous acts of our enemies? The Geneva Convention seems to only be directed at America and how we treat our prisoners. There are American soldiers who are still captive from the Vietnam War. There are American soldiers who have lost their life by getting their heads decapitated limbs cut off and go through all types mental and physical torture in the name of interrogation. For those of you who don't know water boarding, squatting for long amounts of time, being forced to listen to music, threatening and even getting physical with the enemy prisoners has afforded us the opportunity to prevent hundreds if not thousands of terrorist act right here in this country. We also have one of he best if not he best Intelligence Agency in the world, therefore we should let them do their job with reckless abandon as long as it is in the interest American freedom in fighting any war.

Our Presidents have dealt with this issue every since the First war overseas and we the people ,many who have never even seen a weapon are sicked with sympathy for the enemy. Wake up Support your President and our military by saying "any means necessary." Please Mr. President, Mr/Ms Senator, Mr/Ms Congressperson protect us by any means necessary. Please do whatever you have to do to protect my family from terrorism on American soil.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mothers Day Mom

As far back that I can remember you have been my role model for what a woman and mother should be. Your were always there through the good times and bad. Because of you I was able to have many many good times, and thanks to you I was able to get through the bad times. Your kind words, advice, your soft touch, sweet smile and big heart have made my 52 years on earth well worth living.

I remember as a child growing up in the projects, My brother, sister and I had no idea we were poor, you provided us a rich childhood because of your many sacrifices and we Thank You. We all have problems in life but you never seem to let yours seep into our awareness, to us you were perfect. You are our angel sent from heaven to protect, lead, guide, and teach us right from wrong. Its no wonder to this day that so many people regard you as the mother they never had. As a single parent in the 50's you stood as an example of what it was to be a strong black independent woman and we Thank You. The swift smack of your hand, the switch from the tree outside, the black belt, that look from across the room, and even the occasional ironing cord were all used as strategic weapons to mold and build us into becoming good children, good neighbors, model citizens and eventually role models ourselves, and we Thank You.

You surrounded us with that village that it takes to raise a child; Aunt Dot, Uncle Neil, Jessie, Aunt Lee, Aunt Julia, Mommy Hill, Aunt Josephine, Slain, Sevia, Stanley, Lloyd, Joanne, Billy, Ronald, Georgia, Uncle Odell, and the church. We appreciate the fact that you had the insight to know that the lessons learned from the village would prepare us for the crazy world of which we now live in. Thank You Mom

Your open door policy to all of our Friends and the respect you showed and received in the neighborhood only proved to us that you were one of a kind and we were blessed to have you as our mother. You can choose your friends and if I could choose a mother There is no question who I would choose I am so happy glad that the good Lord with his omnipotent power gave me to you and he did because he knew you would accept the responsibility and fulfill your obligation to do the best you could, and you did and I Thank You.

I would be remiss If I did not mention your culinary skills. Although you worked two jobs you still found time to bake cakes from scratch and to prepare dinner daily. You even taught us how to cook and no matter how hard I try it doesn't compare to your cooking. What was and still is most memorable are the Sunday dinners and Holiday feasts you would and still prepare. When word got out that you were fixing certain dishes like; macaroni and cheese, pork chops, fried chicken, collard greens, candied yams and potato salad friends and family would come from miles around just to get a plate. To this day the local ministers request your smothered pork chops, rice and gravy at their Judah quarterly meetings.
You are now 73 years old and you have not gotten older but better. You now not only continue to serve as a great mother but as a grandmother you have continued your tradition of being there for everyone and asking nothing in return. So on behalf of my brother Ricky my sister Barbara, your grandchildren, those that you serve as a surrogate mother, friends and family Happy Mothers Day and We Love You.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Lemons to Lemonade

Today, right this very moment someone is losing their job and probably because of no fault of their own. A bad economy, a difficult boss, jealous co-workers whatever you find yourself unemployed. Being unemployed can be depressing, stressful and sometimes down right unfair. It may seem that all hope is lost however there is something you can do to make lemonade from the lemons that you are holding.
Education can be the answer, use this time while seeking employment to continue your education. I am a firm believer in the college online programs for Associates, Bachelors, Masters, and PhD. These online programs are advertised all over the Internet and on television and should be considered as an option to pass through the between jobs dilemma. Continuing your education online opposed to on campus provides the student flexibility, convenience, and yes a higher degree that can improve the chances of acquiring the position of your dreams.
As an unemployed person it is very easy to qualify for the basic federal grants and loans. The cost of many online programs is affordable compared to traditional college education.
I am a online student at the University of Phoenix/Axia College and I have found it to very interesting, satisfying and challenging. I would recommend it to people between jobs, homemakers, career minded people, retired people, people on he go, and anyone in between.
Education is something that no one can take from you once you have it so take those lemons you have been handed and make some lemonade go for it and don't look back you can do it I am.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Can President Obama And Michelle do anything right

I am tired of these political and other republicans criticizing the President and First Lady on every move or action they make. First of all no one is perfect, Our president is beginning his term being accountable to the people that elected him he took over leading this country at a time when the country is in shambles. I believe that President Obama is doing a good job in his attempt to turn this country around and right the wrongs of his predecessors. We need to support our new President he is only one man who has a vision for this country and if he gets the support from the haters I think the country can be turned around in the areas of employment, government waste, family values, corruption, and educating our youth.
From day one President Obama has had to put out fires in the White House, other countries, with Congress, in the Senate and also in the Press. Look Who cares what kind of sneakers the First Lady wears, or that the President shakes hand with another country's leader what matters is that our elected President and his wife are on the job and advancing the cause of democracy, and change that he talked about during the campaign.
Just over 100 days in office and the ground work is being set let the man do his thing.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Good Old Days

To those of you who are old enough to look back and remember the good old days, Think about it, when we were in those days we had no idea we would classify those days at a later time as the good old days. Just like these days will one day be referred to as the good old days. What does it all mean, basically nothing because the good old days are right now. Live your life everyday is the good old days.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Welcome to my Blog


This is my first blog, it's all new to me but I have a lot to give in the form of information, knowledge and maybe a little wisdom. I am going back to school online and it has been a great experience so far. I will be posting my opinions on many topics including politics, religion, social issues, health, criminal justice, ethics and morals to name a few. I am called Old-G and my point of view may be considered old school but I'll jazz it up the best that I can.
I will set a goal as posting at least 3 times a week, Hopefully more. Feel free to join in and open up the discussion let's get to discuss the issues we face daily while also agreeing to disagree. Until next time have a nice day.